
Who is supporting Southland’s just transition? 

Delivering this work plan is the joint responsibility of the EOG, the Secretariat and the work stream leads. The roles of each of these groups is described below. 


Enduring Oversight Group (EOG)  

The EOG is made up of 11 members from central government, local government, iwi, unions, business and the education, agriculture and community sectors. 

The purpose of the EOG is to provide strategic governance over the delivery of the Southland just transition work plan.  

The EOG will provide feedback on the delivery of the work plan and guide the Secretariat and work streams in their implementation role. 



Led by MBIE, the Secretariat’s role is to support and advise the EOG in their governance role, and work stream leads in their delivery role. 

The Secretariat will consist of staff from MBIE, MSD, Murihiku Regeneration and Great South. Other work stream leads will be invited to participate as needed.  

The Secretariat will condense monthly updates from the work stream leads into a single update for the EOG.  

Work stream leads 

Work stream leads are responsible for delivering their individual bodies of work.  

Leadership does not mean ownership; all lead organisations are expected to work with a range of local and national stakeholders in delivering their work stream. 

Work stream leads will provide monthly progress reports to the Secretariat.


The enduring oversight group

southland just transition
MBIE logo
MSD logo
gore dc logo
ICC logo
thriving southland logo
great south
southland chamber of commerce logo
murihiku regeneration
etu logo
te runanga o ngai tahu
coin south logo

How does it all work?   

Next steps 

This plan identifies the broad areas of focus for Southland’s just transition process, it will be up to the work streams to develop the detailed actions and initiatives that sit under these areas.  

The first stage of implementing the just transition work plan will run from January 2022 to August 2022. In August 2022, work stream leads will feed back to the EOG on the pathway to achieving their stream’s goal. Their reports will include a detailed analysis of financial and non-financial barriers.  

The EOG will then present their findings to government, setting out progress and next steps. MBIE will then work with the EOG to identify potential public and private funds to deliver initiatives. 

This document, the earlier discussion document and associated files, papers and briefings developed while preparing the plan are available on this website. The Secretariat will regularly update the website to include monthly reports from work stream leads to the EOG. 

If you would like to be involved in any of the just transition working groups, or if you would like to feed into their work, please email: justtransitions@mbie.govt.nz

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