Planning for our region’s future is underway. We are taking action to drive Southland into a positive and productive future.
Beyond 2025 is a comprehensive plan being developed in collaboration with a significant number of stakeholders including government agencies, councils, community groups, iwi, and businesses.
Its primary focus is to drive economic development, foster innovation, and create sustainable communities in Southland, all while acknowledging our changing climate and people.
The Beyond 2025 plan is being made for Southlanders, and we’ve been focussed on ensuring we have a clear understanding of what’s important now and what might be needed in the future.
We’ve been gaining these insights by not only working with key stakeholders, but also through numerous surveys which have provided an opportunity for residents, businesses, and community organisations to share their points of view and help shape the future of Southland.
You may have already participated in some of these surveys last year – the Employer Workforce Survey, which provided insights on the opportunities and challenges employers are facing in attracting and retaining staff; the Future of Tourism Survey, which asked people how they want to see tourism develop to ensure future tourism development is in line with our community’s aspirations, and the Housing Survey, which asked Southlanders about their current housing situation as well as what type of housing they’d like in the future.
We’ve been pleased with the high response rates and overall participation of diverse topics of equal importance, which tells us Southlanders want to have a say, and care about what is happening now and into the future.
This also gives us confidence that we’ve got the right data and insights to input into the Beyond 2025 plan.
But we’re not finished and there are further opportunities for Southlanders to input into the plan and have a say, through the following survey.
CBD Rejuvenation Community Survey
Designed to understand what residents and businesses think about the redevelopments in Invercargill. Data collected will feed into the Beyond 2025 plan and support Invercargill City Council decision making.
For more information about Beyond 2025 and how you can participate in the surveys, head to our website.